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我的一个朋友 - 不眠城市的流星


简介:一个人走在城市冬夜热闹的人群里,灯火阑珊,霓虹闪烁,偶尔路过热气腾腾的街边小吃店。他看到人们都结伴而行,或是跟朋友,或是跟爱人。虽然每张脸都是模煳的,但是他可以感受到每个人的心。他可以感知哪颗心脏是真切的爱着另外一颗。无关外貌,无关任何羁绊。 渐渐地,他发现他出现在城市的上空,像一颗流星一样划过整座温暖的城市,开始寻找属于他的那颗心。 It’s a chilling winter night, and he’s walking alone in the city’s busiest and most fascinating streets, full of people, noises, and neon signs of shops. They pass by, with friends, or as couples. He’s not seeing exactly what they look like, but he feels their hearts and could tell when one is truly caring for the other. Appearance won’t matter, nor do any baggage. Before he realises, he’s on top of the city flying through this lively place like a shooting star. From here, he’s on a journey looking for a place where he belongs.

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一个人走在城市冬夜热闹的人群里,灯火阑珊,霓虹闪烁,偶尔路过热气腾腾的街边小吃店。他看到人们都结伴而行,或是跟朋友,或是跟爱人。虽然每张脸都是模煳的,但是他可以感受到每个人的心。他可以感知哪颗心脏是真切的爱着另外一颗。无关外貌,无关任何羁绊。 渐渐地,他发现他出现在城市的上空,像一颗流星一样划过整座温暖的城市,开始寻找属于他的那颗心。 It’s a chilling winter night, and he’s walking alone in the city’s busiest and most fascinating streets, full of people, noises, and neon signs of shops. They pass by, with friends, or as couples. He’s not seeing exactly what they look like, but he feels their hearts and could tell when one is truly caring for the other. Appearance won’t matter, nor do any baggage. Before he realises, he’s on top of the city flying through this lively place like a shooting star. From here, he’s on a journey looking for a place where he belongs.

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