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駒澤零 - esto perpetuo

专辑名:esto perpetuo

简介:This is the first album by Ren Komasawa, an illustrator, "KAOMOZI" label owner, writer, and organizer. This time, she released 2 albums at the same time: "esto perpetua" (sung by VOCALOID) and "esto perpetuo" (sung by herself), based on his own experience of "losing the ability to hear human voices when I had a fear of other people in high school. The 10 songs on the album describe casual, everyday feelings and events with pop melodies inherited from Hyperpop and New Wave.

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This is the first album by Ren Komasawa, an illustrator, "KAOMOZI" label owner, writer, and organizer. This time, she released 2 albums at the same time: "esto perpetua" (sung by VOCALOID) and "esto perpetuo" (sung by herself), based on his own experience of "losing the ability to hear human voices when I had a fear of other people in high school. The 10 songs on the album describe casual, everyday feelings and events with pop melodies inherited from Hyperpop and New Wave.

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