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Kr 氪 - Swimming In Lava

专辑名:Swimming In Lava
歌手:Kr 氪

简介:I have disliked sleeping since I was a child because I feared what kind of nightmares I would have to face. As I grew older, I continued to dread the nightly nightmares, with bloody scenes and terrifying emotions lingering even after I opened my eyes. Sometimes, I can't tell the boundary between reality and dreams, and I wonder if I have truly woken up. This song is dedicated to my dreams and to friends who share the same feelings.

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I have disliked sleeping since I was a child because I feared what kind of nightmares I would have to face. As I grew older, I continued to dread the nightly nightmares, with bloody scenes and terrifying emotions lingering even after I opened my eyes. Sometimes, I can't tell the boundary between reality and dreams, and I wonder if I have truly woken up. This song is dedicated to my dreams and to friends who share the same feelings.

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