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Lee Terry - trainsleavingangels

歌手:Lee Terry

简介:This is the first solo record by Lee Terry, founding member of The Skellingtons... almost 2 years in the making, "trainsleavingangels" combines elements of all the influences Lee has gathered over nearly 30 years. This record has everything from straight ahead roots rock, to folk, blues, instrumental, classical, and world-music. Recorded at Susan and Lee Terry's Rosewater studio, Lee played the majority of instruments himself (guitars,bass, drums, keyboards, mandolin, dulcimer and lap steel guitar),with help from some of Winston-Salem's finest players... Susan Terry- viola, dulcimer, and co-producer Ken Mohan- bass guitar and sitar..(Ken also helped mix as well as handling mastering) Amy Mohan- backing vocals Shannon Kerr- drums and percussion Dan Desnoyers- drums Rebecca Wyatt-cello Sally Spring-backing vocals

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This is the first solo record by Lee Terry, founding member of The Skellingtons... almost 2 years in the making, "trainsleavingangels" combines elements of all the influences Lee has gathered over nearly 30 years. This record has everything from straight ahead roots rock, to folk, blues, instrumental, classical, and world-music. Recorded at Susan and Lee Terry's Rosewater studio, Lee played the majority of instruments himself (guitars,bass, drums, keyboards, mandolin, dulcimer and lap steel guitar),with help from some of Winston-Salem's finest players... Susan Terry- viola, dulcimer, and co-producer Ken Mohan- bass guitar and sitar..(Ken also helped mix as well as handling mastering) Amy Mohan- backing vocals Shannon Kerr- drums and percussion Dan Desnoyers- drums Rebecca Wyatt-cello Sally Spring-backing vocals

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