简介:There is a lot of pressure when we are busying with working, studying and even living every day. Sometimes, this pressure will make us feel depressed. After that, we might start to be powerless in doing everything. Therefore, we hope that when you’re under a lot of pressure, you can listen to this song. It can let you find out the frivolous and the original heart so that you can put down your “mask” and also “pressure”. To find out your meaningful life and your ideal. 壓力太大唔容易 每天忙著工作、學習甚至生活,必定都會產生不少的壓力,而壓力有時也會令我感到沮喪,做任何事都開始力不從心。我們希望當大家有壓力時,聽到這首歌,就可以找回輕狂的初心,從而放下面具、放下壓力,找回做人的真正意義 ,找回自己的理想。
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There is a lot of pressure when we are busying with working, studying and even living every day. Sometimes, this pressure will make us feel depressed. After that, we might start to be powerless in doing everything. Therefore, we hope that when you’re under a lot of pressure, you can listen to this song. It can let you find out the frivolous and the original heart so that you can put down your “mask” and also “pressure”. To find out your meaningful life and your ideal. 壓力太大唔容易 每天忙著工作、學習甚至生活,必定都會產生不少的壓力,而壓力有時也會令我感到沮喪,做任何事都開始力不從心。我們希望當大家有壓力時,聽到這首歌,就可以找回輕狂的初心,從而放下面具、放下壓力,找回做人的真正意義 ,找回自己的理想。