歌手:老破麻 O.S.D
简介:当你明明知道自己老了却还想要继续叛逆的话,去听听看二行程引擎声浪,他会告诉你什么叫老顽固的叛逆。 全世界都在说你有多坏,只有我还记得你的好。 When you’re old but still trying to be a badass. Just listen to the wave of 2 strokes engine sound, you will find the answer. “While the world is talking about how bad you are, but only I know there’s some good in you.
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当你明明知道自己老了却还想要继续叛逆的话,去听听看二行程引擎声浪,他会告诉你什么叫老顽固的叛逆。 全世界都在说你有多坏,只有我还记得你的好。 When you’re old but still trying to be a badass. Just listen to the wave of 2 strokes engine sound, you will find the answer. “While the world is talking about how bad you are, but only I know there’s some good in you.