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新东方新托福听力特训 34.7万

第2课:新东方新托福听力特训Sunday's Run

精彩评论 (82)
  • 雨霏 2023-01-27 22:16:30


  • chinesechen 2018-11-17 20:33:04

    Sunday’s Run Hi, Alison. Oh,hi, Julian.Have you been training hard for Sunday's run for a cure for breast cancer? You bet! I have been running three times a week for over an hour each time.It's great. I can't believe I've gotten to this point so quickly! Only six months ago I would run for five minutes and almost collapse in exhaustion. I hear you. I decided to run in this marathon because I needed a motivator to get myself back into sharp. During my pregnancy I gained a whopping eighty pounds and I'm still trying to trim down. Also, I totally believe in the course.I know so many poeple who have been touched by the disease. Wow! Eighter pounds! That's nuts! Did you have triples? No, just a big little boy. He was born 9 pounds, 5 ounces.Hi, Julian, what inspired you to want to run this weekend? Well, a bunch of my running buddies thought it would be a great idea. We all started running at the same time and when we heard one of the guys' mother was diagnosed with cancer, we thought the marathon was something positive we could do as a group. It should be a lot of fun , and I've been collecting lot of sponsors from the school. So I'll hopefuly make tons of money for the cause. That's so cool, Julian.Hey, I've got to dash. I'll see you finish line on Sunday.//@Lynne:求听力原文

  • 紫色的纸飞机曾降临 2022-11-24 03:25:32


  • 七曲愁思 2019-09-13 09:56:32

    过了六级,第一遍也没听懂啥意思。评论里的初中生,高中生牛逼啊(๑• . •๑)

  • yxy 2019-02-16 22:07:31

    1. I need a motivator to get my self back in to sharp (shape). 2. Wow! Eighter( eighty) 3. I’ll hopefully make tons of money for the “cost”//@chinesechen:Sunday’s Run Hi, Alison. Oh,hi, Julian.Have you been training hard for Sunday's run for a cure for breast cancer? You bet! I have been running three times a week for over an hour each time.It's great. I can't believe I've gotten to this point so quickly! Only six months ago I would run for five minutes and almost collapse in exhaustion. I hear you. I decided to run in this marathon because I needed a motivator to get myself back into sharp. During my pregnancy I gained a whopping eighty pounds and I'm still trying to trim down. Also, I totally believe in the course.I know so many poeple who have been touched by the disease. Wow! Eighter pounds! That's nuts! Did you have triples? No, just a big little boy. He was born 9 pounds, 5 ounces.Hi, Julian, what inspired you to want to run this weekend? Well, a bunch of my running buddies thought it would be a great idea. We all started running at the same time and when we heard one of the guys' mother was diagnosed with cancer, we thought the marathon was something positive we could do as a group. It should be a lot of fun , and I've been collecting lot of sponsors from the school. So I'll hopefuly make tons of money for the cause. That's so cool, Julian.Hey, I've got to dash. I'll see you finish line on Sunday.

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  • 绫零喵 2018-06-17 19:10:15

    初三狗居然听懂了( ̄∀ ̄)

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