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西游记 第四十五回 我是你爹牛魔王 2.3万

西游记 第四十五回 我是你爹牛魔王


西游记 第45回 「我是你爹牛魔王」 说书人:吴荻 开书! 「定场诗」 油壁香车不再逢,峡云无迹任西东。 梨花院落溶溶月,柳絮池塘淡淡风。 几日寂寥伤酒后,一番萧瑟禁烟中。 鱼书欲寄何由达,水远山长处处同。 春分春诗开场,吴荻先生立志本场了结红孩儿。八戒被假菩萨所骗同陷妖怪洞府,悟空以彼之道还施彼身变作牛魔王模样享受父王待遇,却被红孩儿识破。悟空逃脱赴南海请菩萨相救,菩萨越急越不急玩笑一番前来救人,终于收伏红孩儿,为其戴上金箍咒,褪其火性。说书人借此揭示三箍、三髻寓意,展开善财童子五十三参典故,令人叹服。唐僧师徒至此完结此难。 厂牌:澄书馆 数位发行:街声派歌 核心策划:大家一起社 说书人:吴荻 制作人:张添羽 策划/文案:雅歌 封面设计:陈花现 录音师:刘逸飞 制作助理:马茁/甄铖/阙蔚 友情制作:陈玥/郭磊 特别鸣谢:张培仁先生及街声大家庭 出品人:张添羽 版权所有:北京大社国际文化传媒有限公司


937粉丝 62专辑

澄书馆当家说书人,自号梦盦,1974年生于北京,本职为高中美育教师,教授中国传统文化。因自幼受家学熏习,喜翰墨,好丹青,乐琴书,嗜梨园。香炉茗碗,为终日伴。说书为乐,无意求成。皈依三宝,作佛弟子。其评书茹古涵今,言必有据,考据原文信手拈来,文史典故干货满满,加之擅以佛理及佛教常识批解故事,由能活用时下热点和流行语,亦庄亦谐,令人一时忍俊不禁,一时醍醐灌顶,深受年轻人喜爱。吴荻先生耗时六年完成超长篇现场评书《西游证道》,成为当世唯一一个说完《西游记》全本故事的说书人。 Wu Di is the presiding storyteller in Cheng Shuguan. He calls himself Meng An. He was born in Beijing in 1974, mainly working as an art teacher in a high school and teaching Chinese traditional culture. Because of his family upbringing, he love Chinese writing art, painting, music and Chinese operas. He would like to stay with spices and tea for his life. He love storytelling without other pursuits. He is very religious to Buddhism. His story contains information from ancient to current affairs which must be based on the references. He is good at the story citations with tremendous contents from culture to history, adding Buddhist common sense and laws to interpret the story. He is also skilled in picking current buzzwords and hot spots, in formal or hilarious way, which makes you burst into laughter or come to realize something, and attracts many young people here. He spent six years to finish a long story Journey to the West and became the only one who finish the whole story of Journey to the West in storytelling history.

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