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鹦鹉和老鹰 (节目)

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  • 七秒记忆的鱼 2021-04-24 07:37:33

    Did you ever dream as a kid about flying like a bird? Which would you be more like: a parrot or an eagle? The two you know are very different kinds of birds. Even though it can fly, a parrot prefers to stay in the same comfortable cage, eat the same dry seeds,and listen to the same words over and over again until it can say them easily. A parrot's satisfied just to do the same thing everyday. In fact, you almost never see a parrot actually fly. 在孩提时,你梦想过像鸟儿一样展翅飞翔吗?你觉得哪一个更像你,鹦鹉还是老鹰?这两种鸟可大不相同。即使能飞,鹦鹉宁可呆在相同的舒适的笼子里,吃着同样的谷子,反复聆听着相同的话语,直到能信口学舌。鹦鹉满足于每天仅做同样的事情。其实,你几乎没有真正看到过鹦鹉展翅翱翔。 Not eagles. Eagles have an inner drive to explore and experience everything out there. They have the courage to change and take risks. And they're not afraid to leave their familiar, comfortable nest to search for more. An eagle's passion for life pushes it to soar high and explore new territory, looking for fresh, satisfying food instead of the same boring, dry seeds. 鹰可不一样。鹰对探索和体验世上万物有着不可遏制的内在冲动。它们有改变和承担风险的勇气。它们不怕离开自己熟悉而舒坦的窠臼,它们要去寻求更多的东西。鹰对生活的激情推动着它呼啸直上,不断开拓新的疆域,找寻更新鲜有味的猎物,而非一成不变和乏味的谷子。 So which bird are you most like? If you like being a parrot kind of person, then you'll probably just stay the same. But you'll never have or experience anything more in life. And you'll never know if what you believe is really true. Remember, "If you agree with someone on everything, then one of you is doing all the thinking." The smart, successful person is not only open to new ideas, he goes looking for them. So if you want a full exciting life like an eagle as God created you to live,then what are you waiting for? Do you realize how out of place you are living in that cage of the same thinking and routine everyday of your life? Imaging how silly an eagle would look sitting in that cage picking over tasteless dried seeds. 所以,你更像哪种鸟?如果你喜欢像鹦鹉一样做人,那你可能生活得一成不变。但你将可能永远不会经历和体验到生活中的许多事情。你将永远不会知道你相信的是否一定真实。请记住,“如果你事事附和他人,那你们中间必定只有一个人在动脑筋。”而聪明和成功的人不仅敞开心扉面对新思维,他会主动去追寻它们。如果你想过shangdi创造给雄鹰的那种刺激的人生,你还在等什么?你知道吗,你困在鸟笼里,想法一成不变,过着重复的日子,这是多么难受呀?你不难想象,整日被关在鸟笼里啄食乏味草籽的老鹰看起来是多么蠢笨。

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