我的位置: 首页 > 听书 > 外语 > 考试教材 > 第3课:新东方新托福听力特训Exam Schedule
新东方新托福听力特训 16.1万

第3课:新东方新托福听力特训Exam Schedule

精彩评论 (19)
  • YanYan🐾🐾 2024-12-02 05:12:30


  • solecito 2021-11-26 10:42:57

    卧槽!两个大神一字不错的听出来了?? 我只能听出 short dialogue skill one exam schedule listen to a conversation between the professor and secretary Then answer the questions 后来一句听不懂咋回事

  • 小月1720 2018-11-18 22:19:29

    Exam Schedule Hi, Mabel. Hi,John. Could you please give me some information of exam schedule? I will be happy to. The dates for the first term are December 9 to December 23 . The dates for the second term are April 11 to April 30. How long are exams? Exams are normally three-hour long. You must book a room for a three-hour exam.The department will arrange an invigilator. Early next month, there will be a sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the faculty lounge. You can choose a square on this draft shedule. The dean then receive it, then draws up the final schedule to avoid students in the Science Faculty having two exams scheduled at the same time. That's a good idea. So I just have to sign the sheet in the faulty lounge asking when I want my exam. Yes, it is not at all certain that when the exam will be , but it gives Dean Acheson a place to start. He still have to do most of it manually,consulting his computer to see which students registered in each course have oder exams. Doing an exam schedule is quite complex. Quite often, he consults the schedule from the previous year.

  • 会长大的猪brave 2019-02-19 21:04:33

    Exam Schedule J: Hi, Mabel. M: Hi,John. J: Could you please give me some information on the exam schedule? M: I would be happy to. The dates for the first term are December 9 to December 23rd . The dates for the second term are April 11 to April 30th. J: How long are exams? M: Exams are normally three hours long. You must book a room for the three-hour exam.The department will arrange an invigilator. Early next month, there will be a sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the faculty lounge. You can choose a square on this draft shedule. The dean then receive it and draws up the final schedule to avoid students in the Science Faculty having two exams scheduled at the same time. J: That's a good idea. So I just have to sign up the sheet in the faulty lounge asking when I want on my exam. M: Yes, it is not at all certain that when the exam will be , but it gives Dean Acheson a place to start. He still have to do most of it manually,consulting his computer to see which students registered in each course have other exams. Doing an exam schedule is quite complex. Quite often, he consults the schedule from the previous year. (欢迎更正,互相学习)

  • 梦·尘 2018-09-10 22:49:56


  • joinee 2018-07-27 09:16:01

    the information of exam schedule!

  • 巨萌小妖 2018-09-03 21:17:32


  • 福睿斯 2018-07-17 19:35:17


  • 又双叒叕 2018-05-10 21:03:01


  • 潇潇 2018-08-12 06:32:11


  • liu亖 2018-07-25 06:23:13


  • ABC 2018-07-11 00:38:04


  • ABC 2018-07-11 00:37:46


  • 决绝 2018-07-04 11:44:10


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