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新东方新托福听力特训 9.6万

第5课:新东方新托福听力特训Stress between Work and Study

精彩评论 (12)
  • 2022-08-25 11:25:18

    L:hi,Stuward,how is school going S:oh,hi,Lisa!school is really really tough right now,the exams are coming up in two weeks L:e,Stuward,you sounds stressed!exams,yes,I used to this time of year,i used to cram the night before and hoping I was studying the right stuff S:that's the hard part of studying last minute,you run out of time,have to pick and choose areas to focus ,and guess what will be on exams,it's always a bit of gamble,to have more stress,i have a part time job on top of studying L:can't you take some time off from your job,Stuward? S:no,i need the money to help pay my board,i thought i was doing pretty well at balancing school and work,but now i'm finding it next to impossible finding the timetable study and work,after coming home from my job,i have to read books for few hours every nights,whether i have the energy or not,sometimes i just want to go to sleep,i'm so tired! L:well,if it's any consolation,Stuward,you know it's not going to last forever,it like you just attempt to find extra energy to get through it all,before you know it,you graduated,twenty years from now,you will look back on this time and remember all the fun you had S:no doubt,thanks,Lisa!i know you are right,i'll probably even look back on my mineral job with funniest,too 准高一,可能有地方翻的不准,有问题欢迎指出!

  • 月琪诗丹 2022-07-16 14:19:30


  • 琨籁 2019-02-19 18:35:16


  • 碎月雨中de漫步 2019-05-01 15:07:33


  • 破烂神官 2019-03-16 17:43:36

    i trust everybody but nobody trusts me.

  • 高帅帅 2019-03-07 09:54:24

    nobody nobody but you[呦呦呦]

  • 我是我 2018-08-04 12:43:32

    快过来,这个秘密我只告诉你一个人:( • ̀ω ⁃᷄)✧就是开1.5倍儿效果最佳了!

  • 枝桠__”、 2018-11-21 15:07:32


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