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世界名人英文演讲-Create your best self

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  • 千幻梦 2021-05-05 08:24:33

    Let's make this year the year of the SELF. Self-Discipline. Self-Awareness. Self-Respect. Self-Development, and Self-Love. 让我们把今年的主题,定为“自己的一年”。自律,自我意识,自尊,自我发展,以及对自己的爱。 It's all about you. YOUR-SELF. Creating your BEST SELF. WHY? Because a BETTER YOU is better for everyone around you. A better you is better for those you love. A better you is better for this world. 这一切,都与你有关,与你自己有关,你要去创造最好的自己。为什么?因为,如果你变得更好,你周围的所有人都会受益。你变得更好,你爱的人也会因此受益。你变得更好,整个世界都会因此受益。 How you show up each and every day MATTERS. It matters to you, and how you feel, but it matters to everyone and everything connected to you, which is the entire planet. 你以什么样的姿态度过每一天,是非常重要的。它不仅与你有关,与你的感受有关,还关系到与你有关联的所有人和事,这意味着,它与全世界都有关。 Your energy affects everything. The compound effect of how you live your life flows throughout this world in ways so powerful you might not believe. 你的能量,对所有事情都有影响。你的生活方式,会产生影响,它对整个世界都有影响,力量之强大,超乎你的想象。 The immediate effect of you living your greatest life, and setting the best example has a huge impact and flow on effect to those you love. 如果你能以最佳的状态生活,那么,这带来的最直接的影响,就是你爱的人们也会被你影响。 Your family and friends are BETTER when you are better. 你变得更好,你的家人,你的朋友,也都会变得更好。 If you are at your happiest, you are most positive, you are healthiest, you are wealthiest, that example and that energy is seen by those you love and it lifts them up. 如果你非常快乐,非常积极,非常健康,非常富足,那么,你爱的人也会见证这一切,他们也会因此得到鼓舞。 If you are sad, miserable, angry, negative, in poor health and broke. Do you think that will have a positive or negative effect on those around you? 如果你感到伤心,悲哀,愤怒,消极,身体不太健康,经济陷入困境,你认为这会对你周围的人产生积极的影响,还是消极的影响? The compound effect of who you are, what you do and how you feel, reaches out like a tree branch and touches so many people, people you inspire or don't, people who learn and grow or learn and SLOW from your example. 你是什么样的人,你做什么样的事,你有什么样的感受,这些带来的影响,就像一棵树一样,它的树枝伸展出去,触及到许多人,他们可能会受到你的鼓舞,也可能没有得到你的鼓舞,他们可能从你的故事中得到收获并成长,也可能被你影响,放慢了成长的脚步。 They then, consciously, or unconsciously, spread that example to others. 接着,有意无意地,他们会把这传播给其他人。 You being at your BEST has more of an impact on this world than you could ever know. 如果你的状态达到最佳,这对整个世界的影响是非常大的,大到你无法想象。 Show everyone you love what a life looks like when you have self-discipline. 让你爱的人知道,如果你能做到自律,你的生活会是什么样的。 Self-discipline, meaning you are willing to delay gratification on meaningless things that may be pleasurable or easy now, but lead to a lesser quality life later. 自律,意味着你愿意不去花太多时间在无意义的事情上,延迟满足。这些事可能现在看起来很简单,很安逸,但是以后可能会逐渐变得没有价值。 You show the discipline to sacrifice now, for a greater life, a greater WORLD later. 你展现出惊人的自律,能够为了以后更美好的生活,更美好的世界,在当下做出牺牲。 An example of this might be something that tastes good in the moment, but poisons your body, dilutes your energy and therefore effects your quality of life in the future. 举个例子,有的东西可能现在让你尝到甜头,但是它会伤害你的身体,消耗你的能量,影响你以后的生活质量。 Show the world how amazing life can be when you have self-awareness. 让全世界知道,你自我意识足够强大的时候,生活会有多美好。 The awareness to follow your intuition, the awareness to take responsibility for everything in your life, and consciously choose the best path for you, fearlessly. 遵循直觉的意识,为自己人生负责的意识,勇敢选择对于自己而言最好的路的意识。 The self-awareness to take moments to yourself, in quiet and TRUST your inner guidance to make the changes you need to make in your life. 愿意花时间静静地思考,相信自己内心直觉,并做出必要的改变,这样的自我意识。 To KNOW what is right for you. 要明白,对于你而言,什么才是最好的。 Your duty this year is yourself. 今年,你的任务,就是专心发展自己。 Creating your greatest self is the best way to change this world for the generations to come. 为了让后人生活在最好的世界里,你就要创造最好的自己,这是实现此目标的最佳方法。 Shine the light for others to follow. Show the world how amazing life can be when you master yourself. 绽放你的光芒,让其他人来追随你。让全世界知道,当你能把握自己的时候,生活是多么美好。 The self-respect to feed your body and mind with the right nutrients. 有足够的自尊,让身心得到最好的营养。 To never let anything in your body, mind or spirit that you wouldn't want in a loved one. 无论是生理上,心理上,还是精神上,如果你不想让你爱的人经受什么,你自己也不要去承受这些。 To only accept things in your body mind and spirit that enhance your life, not drain the quality of it. 无论是心理上,还是精神上,你都只能接受那些对你的生活有帮助的东西,而不要接受那种降低你的生活质量的东西。 Show the world how amazing your life can be when you dedicate yourself to self-development. Developing yourself in all areas. EVERY SINGLE DAY. 让世界知道,当你努力发展自己的时候,生活有多么美好。全方位努力发展自己,每一天都如此。 Reading, learning, listening and applying. Small steps every day, knowing that when you keep growing, keep moving forward, eventually you will look back with PRIDE in amazement at how far you have come. 阅读,学习,倾听,应用。每天都慢慢进步,并且明白,如果你保持成长,保持前进,那么,最后,当你回顾这一切时,看到你已经走了很远,你的心中会充满自豪。 And SELF-LOVE! Show the world how magical life can be when you can look in the mirror and genuinely love the person staring back at you. 还有,对自己的爱。让全世界知道,如果你能够看着镜子里的自己,并对镜子中的人说,我真的很爱你,这样的话,生活有多么美妙。 When you can look in the mirror with PRIDE. With zero sense of comparison with another, just love and pride and respect, knowing how far you've come and feeling blessed to be alive. 你能够自豪地看着镜子里的自己,完全不将自己和别人作对比,心中充满爱意,自豪,尊重,知道你已经走了很远,并为好好活着而感到知足。 Feeling blessed to have the opportunity to set an example THIS DAY. 你感受到,今天,能够为别人树立榜样,这是一件多么幸福的事情。 制作:微博@跟着U君学英语

  • 清洛 2021-01-21 13:21:51


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