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何石 - 托斯卡纳艳阳下


简介:这张专辑发行了自己曾经写的诗歌作品,《梦想》/《黑白》/《一个地方》。 2020年这三首诗歌作品获得了第四届中国诗歌奖银奖。并携诗歌《梦想》入《中国作家诗人大辞典》,这次还给诗歌配了音乐,每首都很有自己的特色,值得细细品味。 The album released his once written poetry, "dream", "black and white", "one place". In 2020, these three poems won the silver medal of the fourth China Poetry award. He also brought the poem "dream" into the "dictionary of Chinese writers and poets". This time, he also added music to the poetry. Each capital has its own characteristics and is worth tasting carefully.

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这张专辑发行了自己曾经写的诗歌作品,《梦想》/《黑白》/《一个地方》。 2020年这三首诗歌作品获得了第四届中国诗歌奖银奖。并携诗歌《梦想》入《中国作家诗人大辞典》,这次还给诗歌配了音乐,每首都很有自己的特色,值得细细品味。 The album released his once written poetry, "dream", "black and white", "one place". In 2020, these three poems won the silver medal of the fourth China Poetry award. He also brought the poem "dream" into the "dictionary of Chinese writers and poets". This time, he also added music to the poetry. Each capital has its own characteristics and is worth tasting carefully.

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