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杨霈文Hirley - Hell Is Better

专辑名:Hell Is Better

简介:19岁的思绪是如此丰富敏感。 它让我不停地思考,让我在深夜大哭,让我沉睡在梦境般的幻想,让我在众多的声音中怀疑自我,让我与朋友生出嫌隙,让我无法直视喜欢的人,让我在面对未来时只想闭上眼睛。 声音是会流动的,但有时也会盘踞在我的脑海。我在它们快速经过的时候用手机录下来,变成了一本乱糟糟的日记。我摘取了其中的几页与你分享,就是你听到的这四首歌。 这四首歌来自不同的人生阶段。其中有16岁念高中时写下的旋律,也有19岁时花了几个月的时间才整理好的词曲。我凭直觉把它们放在一起,至于为什么我也说不清楚,但我自己很喜欢。 要感谢妈妈的支持,sususu老师的信任与帮助,韩政哥哥的鼓励与肯定以及所有参与制作的老师们的付出。最最重要的是好朋友们的陪伴,感谢大家的包容,没有在我一次次发demo过去骚扰各位的时候扔臭鸡蛋给我。 最后,谢谢你的收听!感恩! Love,驼驼 19, full of rich and sensitive thoughts. They led me thinking nonstop, crying at night, sleeping in dreamlike fantasies. They made me question myself, become distant from friends and afraid of looking straight into the eyes of the one I love. I just want to close my eyes when facing the future. Sounds flow, but sometimes they linger. I try to catch them all as they quickly pass by and turn them into a little messy journal on my phone. Now I’m taking a few pages out to share with you, which are the four songs that you hear. These four songs come from different stages of my life. There are melodies written in high school at age 16. There are lyrics and tracks that took months to sort out at age 19. Following my heart, I pieced them together. I can't tell why, but I like them very much. I want to thank my mother, sususu, Han Zheng and everyone on the production team for their support, trust and dedication. And most importantly, the company of my friends. Thank you for your tolerance, for not getting impatient with me after those great many times of demo drops. Thank you all! At last, thank you for listening! Love, Hirley

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19岁的思绪是如此丰富敏感。 它让我不停地思考,让我在深夜大哭,让我沉睡在梦境般的幻想,让我在众多的声音中怀疑自我,让我与朋友生出嫌隙,让我无法直视喜欢的人,让我在面对未来时只想闭上眼睛。 声音是会流动的,但有时也会盘踞在我的脑海。我在它们快速经过的时候用手机录下来,变成了一本乱糟糟的日记。我摘取了其中的几页与你分享,就是你听到的这四首歌。 这四首歌来自不同的人生阶段。其中有16岁念高中时写下的旋律,也有19岁时花了几个月的时间才整理好的词曲。我凭直觉把它们放在一起,至于为什么我也说不清楚,但我自己很喜欢。 要感谢妈妈的支持,sususu老师的信任与帮助,韩政哥哥的鼓励与肯定以及所有参与制作的老师们的付出。最最重要的是好朋友们的陪伴,感谢大家的包容,没有在我一次次发demo过去骚扰各位的时候扔臭鸡蛋给我。 最后,谢谢你的收听!感恩! Love,驼驼 19, full of rich and sensitive thoughts. They led me thinking nonstop, crying at night, sleeping in dreamlike fantasies. They made me question myself, become distant from friends and afraid of looking straight into the eyes of the one I love. I just want to close my eyes when facing the future. Sounds flow, but sometimes they linger. I try to catch them all as they quickly pass by and turn them into a little messy journal on my phone. Now I’m taking a few pages out to share with you, which are the four songs that you hear. These four songs come from different stages of my life. There are melodies written in high school at age 16. There are lyrics and tracks that took months to sort out at age 19. Following my heart, I pieced them together. I can't tell why, but I like them very much. I want to thank my mother, sususu, Han Zheng and everyone on the production team for their support, trust and dedication. And most importantly, the company of my friends. Thank you for your tolerance, for not getting impatient with me after those great many times of demo drops. Thank you all! At last, thank you for listening! Love, Hirley

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